潮州菜,又称潮汕菜,简称潮菜,别名打冷,其选料考究、刀工精细,且烹调方式多样,着意追求色香味俱全,有中国最高端菜系之称。 本应用主要囊括潮州家常菜、代表菜做法,以图文并茂的形式,详细展现潮州菜的独特风味。 同时为你精心筛选了50余道最常见最实用的本地菜谱,不用联网也可以浏览! 提供收藏功能,可以将喜...
潮州菜,又称潮汕菜,简称潮菜,别名打冷,其选料考究、刀工精细,且烹调方式多样,着意追求色香味俱全,有中国最高端菜系之称。 本应用主要囊括潮州家常菜、代表菜做法,以图文并茂的形式,详细展现潮州菜的独特风味。 同时为你精心筛选了50余道最常见最实用的本地菜谱,不用联网也可以浏览! 提供收藏功能,可以将喜...
The Islamic calendar or Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many Islam countries (concurrently w...
The Buddhist calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many countries, and used by Buddhists everywhere to determine the proper ...
Bored of the same old Christmas family outings every year?With Christmas just around the corner, Santa Bomb stimulates your senses – challenging yet s...
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