每日一湯水 免費版
古云:『家有一老,如有一寶』,很多傳統智慧如中醫藥及食療湯水等知識瑰寶,是靠”手口相傳”,一代一代的流傳下去。但現在年青的一代,不像以往一樣;成長或結婚後會搬離父母自住,煲湯、中藥等傳統知識就不可傳承。 有見及此,為了推廣、傳承中醫藥食療及湯水的中國文化,我們特邀香港註冊中醫麥文安博士〈麥博士擁有南...
古云:『家有一老,如有一寶』,很多傳統智慧如中醫藥及食療湯水等知識瑰寶,是靠”手口相傳”,一代一代的流傳下去。但現在年青的一代,不像以往一樣;成長或結婚後會搬離父母自住,煲湯、中藥等傳統知識就不可傳承。 有見及此,為了推廣、傳承中醫藥食療及湯水的中國文化,我們特邀香港註冊中醫麥文安博士〈麥博士擁有南...
Now the way to see the world is fully interactive!In Explora you can save, photograph and identify all those wonderful places you visit in the world.E...
Explora is the guide to find stadiums, restaurants, transportation, hotels, sightseeing and everything you need to enjoy the city.Unveil everything ar...
Comunity Aquired Pneumonia or NAC is a medical software for the evaluation of gravity on this disease. It contains multiple scores of frecuently use o...
As the only paid circulation publication in the convenience & fuel retailing market, NACS Magazine focuses on reaching the most influential retail buy...
Finden Sie die nächste Gemeinde der Neuapostolische Kirche oder alle neuapostolischen Kirchengemeinden in einer bestimmten Umgebung. Die Anwendung bie...
Voici l'application mobile officielle de l'étudiant Valentinois !Cette application te permet d'accéder aux actualités, événements et bons ...
Scan admission tickets to your AVent events! Uses the camera on your Android phone to quickly scan ticket barcodes from paper tickets or directly from...
NOTE: THIS APP IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR TABLETS Universal Sports Network brings you live and exclusive coverage of Olympic, endurance, and action sports ...
Welcome to this simple small app of Boat Driver 3D! This game allows you to get behind the wheel of a boat and just cruise around exploring different ...