

一个女孩的精神没有她过去的回忆里找到自己的咖啡0,一个不知名的地方的神秘的咖啡馆。配上只有一杯水的特有的服务员,隋——她很快意识到,她是想重温过去的她死前七天。 她周围的AMI,女孩自称是她最好的朋友,一个男孩童,据说是她以前的男朋友,和寿,学校的医生吗?他们对她过去的连接是什么以及他们是如何对她的...




Fruit Heroes(水果英雄)的开发商是Chinesegamer,这家来自台湾的游戏开发商在Android平台上还有不少优秀的游戏大作,今天带来的这款水果英雄同样非常值得玩一下。这款让人期待的游戏目前是在iOS和Android上同步上市的。 【官方介绍】 还再偷菜种田吗?捍卫自己的瓜田就用智慧...


《多纳学英语》(Donut’s ABC)是由新东方在线权威出品的探索式少儿英语学习产品。 首创“探索式游戏学习法”,让孩子在全英文游戏环境中,获得纯正英文听力熏陶,并通过益智游戏进行多次反复的英文记忆训练,轻松实现英文启蒙的学习效果。 适用年龄:2~8岁儿童 难度范围:内容难度阶梯式分布,英语零起点...


Floods is colorful strategy game. You target is to fill whole game screen with one color. You are starting on left bottom corner. To conquer new terri...

Flooding All

Flooding all is a fun addictive brain and puzzle game in wich you have to flood the whole game board with one color.You should flood the whole board w...

Flood Fill

Flood Fill is a fun addictive game. It is a game to place the board with same colors. The goal of the game is to flood the board as fast as possible w...

Flood Filler

Flood Filler is a strategy game where your objective is to capture more territory than your opponent. You start at the top left hand corner while your...

Flood It

Flood It is an addictive color filling strategy game.The purpose of this game is to try to flood fill the entire board in one color.You start at the t...