華藏淨宗學會android手機客户端,主要展現華藏淨宗弘化網的資訊和直播内容。方便廣大淨宗同修隨時觀看淨空老法師的講經直播。 主要功能: >>華藏淨宗弘化網的網站資訊、講經通告等最新公告 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座直播 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座點播 本軟體由華藏淨宗學會資訊組開發,歡迎...
華藏淨宗學會android手機客户端,主要展現華藏淨宗弘化網的資訊和直播内容。方便廣大淨宗同修隨時觀看淨空老法師的講經直播。 主要功能: >>華藏淨宗弘化網的網站資訊、講經通告等最新公告 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座直播 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座點播 本軟體由華藏淨宗學會資訊組開發,歡迎...
香港佛陀教育協會手機應用程式1.佛經 - 可供用戶讀誦五經一論和基礎經典2.佛號 - 自由選擇六種佛號,讓你的手機作佛號機使用3.直播 - 隨時隨地讓你可以收看老法師最新教學4.節錄 - 讓你可以從百忙之中收看老法師講經的節錄短片,另外科註點播可讓你點播最新的2014淨土大經科註5.早晚課 - 無論...
提供土豆與youtube視頻網站,淨空法師菁華開示短片,方便淨宗學人隨時隨地聽經聞法。本軟體由華藏淨宗學會資訊組開發,敬請淨宗蓮友惠予指正不吝賜教,阿彌陀佛。免費玩淨空法師菁華開示 APP玩免費免費玩淨空法師菁華開示 App淨空法師菁華開示 APP LOGO淨空法師菁華開示 APP QRCode熱門...
釋大寬法師佛學問答目錄大全 Buddhism QA List佛陀是覺悟人生宇宙真理的大聖者,同時也是圓滿具足福德、智慧、慈悲喜捨的人天導師、四生慈父。學佛可以開發我們內心本自具足的清淨佛性,了悟緣起性空的真理,以不執著的真心行一切善法,就能從痛苦煩惱之中得到解脫與自在。勤修清淨波羅蜜,恆不忘失菩提心...
In a lot of Dutch households, there used to be some nice Delft blue tiles on the wall with a funny saying or with some beautiful wisdom on it. You cou...
Wild Kings is based on the popular drinking game 'Kings' but takes it to a whole new level. Like Kings, players take turns drawing from a deck of card...
The much-awaited update is finally here -- 50% off for a limited time!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ClearCam is another mind-blowing app from the creators of 360 Pan...
Oh no! Teddy has wandered off and finds himself dangling dangerously from a balloon. Only you can save him by getting him safely to the comfy basket b...
Four Rivers Classic brings the great Shisen-Sho solitaire game with fun new features to your iPod, iPhone and iPad. Match pairs of classic mahjong til...
ATTENTION:------------All of iPhone / iPad Apps supports iOS up to 7.1.2 version.eProjector for stylish presentationThere is a problem caused the app'...