學校師生可以透過本APP建立個人課表、查詢行事曆、圖書館館藏查詢; 最新消息及淡江時報即時提供校園第一手資訊; 急難資訊可直撥淡水各派出所及校內緊急電話號碼。 提供外賓、及校友方便的交通資訊及導覽功能。健中資訊股份有限公司製作Real Touch Corp. Ltd.關鍵字搜尋: realtouch...
學校師生可以透過本APP建立個人課表、查詢行事曆、圖書館館藏查詢; 最新消息及淡江時報即時提供校園第一手資訊; 急難資訊可直撥淡水各派出所及校內緊急電話號碼。 提供外賓、及校友方便的交通資訊及導覽功能。健中資訊股份有限公司製作Real Touch Corp. Ltd.關鍵字搜尋: realtouch...
淡江大學立足數位化校園先鋒,率先引進App數位書城,讓全校師生的優質作品皆可上架,只要有智慧手機,平板即可隨身帶著閱讀. "淡江數位書城"滿足你了解淡江大小事的心願,豐富的選擇讓大家可以輕鬆逛書城,更可享受閱讀的充實感,只要你有創意,有想法,皆可出版專屬作品,多元有趣的App內容,盡在淡江數位書城!...
PSETradex Mobile, the Philippine Stock Exchange’s very own mobile application for trading, offers easy and unparalleled access to the stock market and...
Have you ever sat down and wondered which sabbat is coming next and how long it will be until the celebration is here?Wiccan Wheel of the Year shows y...
ChatAlain is a dedicate app comes from BMChat. Blue Media Chat (BMChat) is one of the best voice and video chat software in the world, which built by ...
It's mesmerizing and relaxing! Put your photos on a spinning 3D cube for display! Edit photos in Aviary: frame, add text, filter, more. Spin the cube ...
How exciting! Mommy is pregnant and need YOUR care and love!Join the mommy-to-be on her journey from pregnancy to parenthood!Enjoy over 8 interactive ...
We're glad to present you a unique chess problems collection! This collection is addressed to young chess players, coaches, teachers, parents. It can ...
Updated for the Draft - 2015 Schedules coming soon!Great app for following all the football action in 2015. This will be your favorite app and be your...
We're glad to present you a unique chess problems collection! This collection is addressed to young chess players, coaches, teachers, parents. It can ...