告别传统观星望月计算潮汐时间的尴尬,让你有一个更加直观的方式看潮汐。 你是否有过到海边赶海遇到涨潮的无奈?你是否有过玩过头被困在礁石上的困境?你是否有过海边拍照反而被海浪打湿了衣服的窘迫?全国潮汐表,正是为这个而制作的。 【功能特色】 ★提供全国沿海港口的精确潮汐查询; ★基于GPS定位的便捷方式;...
告别传统观星望月计算潮汐时间的尴尬,让你有一个更加直观的方式看潮汐。 你是否有过到海边赶海遇到涨潮的无奈?你是否有过玩过头被困在礁石上的困境?你是否有过海边拍照反而被海浪打湿了衣服的窘迫?全国潮汐表,正是为这个而制作的。 【功能特色】 ★提供全国沿海港口的精确潮汐查询; ★基于GPS定位的便捷方式;...
赶海必备,海钓必备,沙滩必备,旅游必备。 本软件可以获取中国海事服务网官方数据,精确获得涨潮落潮,实时天气,温度,日出日落时间等信息。 潮汐预报表的简称。它预报沿海某些地点在未来一定时期的每天潮汐情况。在航运方面,有些水道和港湾须在高潮前后才能航行和进出港;在军事方面,有时为了选择有利的登陆地点和时...
Com o foco em “qualidade dos produtos e serviços” e “satisfação do consumidor”, a Ilumi apresenta o seu novo aplicativo para facilitar ainda mais a vi...
Innovative solutions, service oriented, on time determination, quality driven, customer support, tranparency reporting, green steward.Oakland Pallet h...
The Iluka Resources Investor Guide provides online and offline access to recent information relating to Iluka (ASX: ILU).To assist new and existing in...
The Oakland County Medical Main Street App is the official application for the 2013 Road to Innovation Convention. You will have complete access to th...
The Iluka Public School app allows user to stay up to date with what is happening in our school. You can view our weekly newsletter, stay up to date w...
This is the official app for ILTM. The app is designed to enhance the experience of the attendee by putting the following features and information at ...
At the Oakland African-American Chamber of Commerce, we provide programs, services, andresources that you can put to direct use in making your company...
This app will very quickly become your central social and information hub for keeping up with developments for the Inclusive Learning Technologies Con...