音乐1号是一款融合数字音源、无线播放和无线播放设备管理的音乐应用,为用带来无处不在的数字音乐体验。它是数字音乐时代获取、播放(到所有类型播放设备)和收听音乐的最佳方式。 【更新内容】 1、本地音源:呈现手机本地和局域网共享的音频文件,并推送至所识别的播放设备上播放; 2、在线音源:呈现合作的互联网音...
音乐1号是一款融合数字音源、无线播放和无线播放设备管理的音乐应用,为用带来无处不在的数字音乐体验。它是数字音乐时代获取、播放(到所有类型播放设备)和收听音乐的最佳方式。 【更新内容】 1、本地音源:呈现手机本地和局域网共享的音频文件,并推送至所识别的播放设备上播放; 2、在线音源:呈现合作的互联网音...
【简述】 翼周边美食业务是基于位置,向用户提供餐馆搜索、精编美食杂志阅读、电子会员卡优惠、在线订餐厅等系列餐饮信息服务。 【亮点】 基于位置,向用户提供 “搜索查询+电子打折卡+118114定座”的餐饮优惠服务. 。 【资费】 翼周边美食卡: 5元/月(目前专供电信用户,最高可享受7.5折优惠)。免...
Grandes Pensadores Premium permite Favoritar as frases que você mais gostar, não tem propagandas, é possível ver informações detalhadas dos autores, a...
This app is an interactive learning tool designed for high school mathematics students and teachers.Use the interactive animations to explore geometri...
Pythagoras was the leader of a mysterious branch in ancient Greece. They worshiped numbers and thought that numbers were the origin of all things in t...
Welcome to Kogarah Public School on your iPhone and iPod Touch! The best way to always keep in touch and be informed about what's happening at your sc...
Every XrMath App provides a virtually limitless supply of questions to let students DO math.Intended for classroom use but also suitable for individua...
Pythagoras' Theorem is an App which covers Pythagoras and finding the lengths of sides in a right-angled triangle. Lessons, Quiz, Formula, Revision qu...
Study geometry while playing on squared paper. Construct and explore different geometric objects: squares, parallelograms, perpendiculars, angle bisec...