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★魔警、同桌的你、哥斯拉、死亡筆記、冰雪奇緣、歸來、變形金剛4、x戰警、催眠大師、小時代、復仇者聯盟等,獨家原創高清圖解上線!★全球首個在線電影圖文解說的APP !★手機上的第十放映室!★獨創圖文彈幕,全民侃電影!★電影從未如此簡單!各大媒體及應用商店重點推薦中!图解电影,电影一秒变漫画,十分钟读懂...

GTEC Canada

The official app of GTEC. You can use this app to: - Create a personalized agenda & sync them with your desktop or calendar - Connect with other atten...

CPhI Istanbul

This is the official app for CPhI IstanbulThis mobile app allows you to:* View exhibitors and speakers* Create your personal agenda* Access interactiv...