

看看板是一款简单易用灵活轻便的项目管理及团队时间管理工具,是面向移动时代开发的看板式任务管理产品。随时随地可以一目了然查看团队进展,记录创意想法分享灵感,摆脱传统繁冗复杂僵化死板的项目管理产品,让团队成员因便利的工具更加高效,更加快乐。 看板式:所有任务事项如看板般一目了然。 三要素:强化时间、责任...

The Tough Quiz

The Tough Quiz does what it says on the tin. No-one knows how many questions it has, no-one knows if it’s ever completed. No easy shortcuts here. Ther...

Dream JackPot

Pack your bags and go to Las Vegas!Try to win the JackPot and become a millionaire!You start the game with $500 in your pocket.With that, try to explo...