隨機的話整天!Shuffle是一個具有挑戰性的單詞遊戲中,你將不得不把所有的字母按正確的順序。詞的確呈現給您的洗牌積木,你的目標是取代隨機排列的字母,找到正確的話。只有一個解決方案,為每一組提供。解決一系列不同難度級別的挑戰模式中找出盡可能多的話,時間攻擊模式在給定的時間。 2不同,但非常有趣的經歷...
隨機的話整天!Shuffle是一個具有挑戰性的單詞遊戲中,你將不得不把所有的字母按正確的順序。詞的確呈現給您的洗牌積木,你的目標是取代隨機排列的字母,找到正確的話。只有一個解決方案,為每一組提供。解決一系列不同難度級別的挑戰模式中找出盡可能多的話,時間攻擊模式在給定的時間。 2不同,但非常有趣的經歷...
這是一個設計給學齡前兒童專用的軟體,可以幫助小朋友增加英文語感與字彙能力。結合小朋友點泡泡的互動,幫小朋友建立英文的基礎。QLL 系列產品,擁有超過四百五十萬的廣大用戶群,平均四顆半星的評價,是台灣教育類排行最佳的系列產品看看其他人的評論★★★★★好,操作簡單,樂趣無窮。〜快樂的家長★★★★★太棒了...
The Best Game you have Ever played! The Hardest game you have ever played!Seriously, we are not responsible for any cracked devices if you through you...
Help Willy use his pea shooter to break balls and collect his spelling letters. Along the way watch out for hazards and gather up goodies to boost you...
Help Willy use his pea shooter to break balls and collect his spelling letters. Along the way watch out for hazards and gather up goodies to boost you...
FREE for a limited time! Gratis med Appfredag, http://www.facebook.com/appfredag - Gratis appar för barn*Rating: 4 stars out of 5, Swedish version (Pa...
FREE for a limited time! Gratis med Appfredag, http://www.facebook.com/appfredag - Gratis appar för barn*#1 in Sweden (the Swedish version)!*#1 in Swe...
SAVE YOUR JANE!! Crashed on an island, Wilsons co-pilot Jane has been taken by the magical tribal leader. Battle your way through the fantastical crea...
A fantastical app to help you discover Wilton's Music Hall in the East End of London - the last surviving Grand Music Hall in the world. Crack codes, ...
What? Another guess-the-secret-word game? Well, yes. And as with similar games, you try to guess the secret word by entering words as guesses, and WIL...