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华住酒店(原汉庭酒店)覆盖全国300多个城市,超过1700家酒店,提供华住酒店集团旗下6大品牌酒店预订,包括商旅品牌—禧玥酒店、全季酒店、星程酒店、汉庭酒店、海友酒店,以及度假品牌—漫心度假酒店。高端大气上档次一气呵成,随时随地订酒店—帅气;玩转全网特惠房价—牛气,独享更多手机端专属权益—霸气。 【...
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Circle Pong is a modern twist on a classic game!The rules are simple. Keep the ball bouncing inside the circle.WARNING : EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE!!Your goa...
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This is not a standalone app!This pack provides Sprint tariffs and plans to "Track your plan" which must be already installed on your phone.This pack ...
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Aplikasi ini berisikan rumus rumus dasar fisika dasar untuk pepalaj SMP dan SMA, sehingga memudahkan dalam menghafal rumus dan belajar nya. selain unt...
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