


Islamic Laws

Islamic Laws - A most comprehensive guide to Islamic Law [shariah], covering all aspects of Islamic way of life.免費玩Islamic Laws APP玩免費免費玩Islamic Laws ...

Islamic Laws

Islamic Laws By Grand Ayatullah Sistani Peopel who already have this app kindly uninstall and re install it again免費玩Islamic Laws APP玩免費免費玩Islamic Laws...

weird laws

the funny law, stupid law and much more with this app. People do strange things, therefore weird laws are written to help straighten them out. Some of...

Crosti Pro

This simple tool allows you to create your own cross stitch design from image using popular DMC, Anchor or Gamma flosses color palette. Just open imag...

ترمومتر الحب

ترمومتر الحب هو وسيلة لاختبار مدى ملاءمتك مع شخص مميز لك. ببساطة اكتب في الأسماء الخاصة بك وهذا البرنامج الذكي سوف يحسب نسبه الحب الخاصه بكما في شكل ن...


已經開始支持Android 5.0, Lollipop前40个关卡太简单了不够刺激?那就赶快试试后40个关卡吧,目前拥有160个关卡供你挑战。还等什么?玩法:1.连接三个或三个以上相同的钻石即可消去2.消去钻石后,背景方块就会改变直到半透明。3.如果所有有钻石存在的方块变为半透明后,游戏过关成功进入...