

法蒂玛之手(阿拉伯语:خمسة‎ khamsah,即“五”)是西亚以及北非地区常见的一种掌型护身符,在珠宝和室内挂饰中很多应用。穆斯林认为这一手掌为先知穆罕默德之女法蒂玛的右手,因此得名。法蒂玛之手在历史上对许多社区进行保护,迷信认为它可以防护邪恶之眼。在黎凡特(Levantine,指叙利亚、黎巴嫩...

Water Photo

Ripple effect living photos!This is a amazing software which simulates Mac's famous ripple effect screensaver, but more artistic with your own photos ...

Panda Vol.2

Panda, pretty panda for yo, enjoy it. you not alone because you have this sweet panda:) The features of the app: 1. Sweet panda from china. 2. This ap...