

“美世家无线点菜for android”是专门针对广大餐饮企业对无线点菜方案的实际需求,在美世家无线点菜Apple系列的基础上,基于android系统平台开发的新一代无线点菜系统.特色1,数字化,图形式呈现,全屏触摸感观,人性化的自肋点餐让客人尽在掌控;2,缩短点菜,下单,结帐的时间,提供餐厅用餐高...

Birthday Frames

Birthday Frames allow you to combine multiple photos to create amazing looking frames! Lots of fun as you can frame all your special moments in your l...

God Story

"A Glimpse of Eternity" is the incredible true story of one man's encounter with death and the world beyond it. Stung by five box jellyfish while ...