一. 新增功能1. 癌症篩檢-提供自我危險因子檢測與風險評估、預約篩檢等功能。2. 健檢預約-提供多項頂級VIP健康檢查服務項目說明。3. 用藥查詢-提供個人目前用藥資訊查詢與慢性病連續方箋領藥通知功能。4. 常用名單-提供常用名單功能,便於為家人長輩服務,省去多次輸入資料的步驟與時間。5. 最新快...
「雙和行動掛號」讓醫療諮詢、掛號服務,能夠不受時間、地點的限制,就能使用手機輕鬆諮詢、並線上掛號、查詢看診進度,提供更便捷的醫療服務,透過智慧型手機,讓醫療保健服務融入您的生活。 「雙和行動掛號」提供本院經營資訊、交通地圖、病症索引、線上掛號、即時看診進度查詢,快速便捷,輕輕鬆鬆就能讓雙和醫院守護您...
The WiFi Free Austria application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Austria and Germany in an easier way.FEAT...
The WiFi Free California application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in California in an easier way.FEATURES:-...
The WiFi Free Canada application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Canada in an easier way.FEATURES:- showing...
The WiFi Free Czech application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Czech Republic in an easier way.FEATURES:- ...
The WiFi Free Deutschland application was developed in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Deutschland in an easier way. It al...
The WiFi Free Florida application was created in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in Florida, South Carolina, Georgia and Alab...
The WiFi Free France application was developed in order to help you find the location of free WiFi Hotspot in France in an easier way. It also display...