Aide Infirmier
L'application idéale pour toutes les infirmières. Permet de faire rapidement des calculs de doses, calcul d'imc et calcul du score d'escar...
L'application idéale pour toutes les infirmières. Permet de faire rapidement des calculs de doses, calcul d'imc et calcul du score d'escar...
Bio-Strat Aid is one of the few interactive and suggestive applications in the Healthcare-Oncology domain. Bio-Strat Aid is a clinical aid for Prognos...
Meditation Aid is an app that helps you stick to a meditation routine.Current features include:*Quick how-to guide.*Specify length of session.*Ability...
Khalsa Aid (KA) is a humanitarian relief agency, based on the teachings of the Sikh Gurus who preached well being of all humanity. Since its launch in...
Nowadays, there are more than 40.000 people in Indonesia living with HIV, and more than 7.000 of them living without any explanation why they infected...
A handy chemistry reference app perfect for students taking chemistry in their middle or high school chemistry class, AP chemistry, or even college-le...
nxiety is a general apprehension and fear that can't quite be defined. It's an uneasiness about a situation rather than a fear of something sp...
骨科臨床診斷 (CORE) 是您的口袋中用於診斷肌肉骨骼和骨科疾病的專業參考工具。骨科臨床考試為您提供了強大的資料庫的,包含近250次臨床試驗,並帶有試驗執行方法的描述、視頻演示、診斷屬性和醫學參考的連結。點擊"...更多"來瞭解為什麼您應該今天下載這個強大的資源應用!★★★★★"骨科臨床診斷已設置...
其实我们最初的想法很简单,就是希望人们不去医院,依然可以找到医生。你可以选择本地的医生,你可以在办公室里,在家里,在公交车上,和你想要找的任何一个医生对话。我们努力为想节省就医时间、就医成本的人,提供最迅速,最方便的咨询平台,让您足不出户就能看医生。 快速问医生诞生了——迅速帮您远程诊断和指导用药,...
其实我们最初的想法很简单,就是希望人们不去医院,依然可以找到医生。你可以选择本地的医生,你可以在办公室里,在家里,在公交车上,和你想要找的任何一个医生对话。我们努力为想节省就医时间、就医成本的人,提供最迅速,最方便的咨询平台,让您足不出户就能看医生。 快速问医生诞生了——迅速帮您远程诊断和指导用药,...