

《血刃毁灭之剑(Blood Sword THD)》是一款动作冒险游戏,以地下城为主题,颇像《暗黑破坏神》。得益于强大的Tegra 4处理器,游戏画面异常华丽,火焰效果、纹理效果都精致得令人赞叹,基本能达到家用游戏主机的水准。本作为Tegra版。 游戏特色 - 针对Tegra 4处理器特别优化 - 基...


Shuffle your way to victory!Shuff is a simple and fun game, the goal is to place your Pucks on the squares and knock your opponent's pucks out. First ...

Namaz Times

★★★★★ With Namaz Times, never miss a prayer (Salah) time! Know current, elapsed and remaining time exactly. And plan yourself accordingly. From sunris...