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This is a great app for anyone to boost their knowledge of some of the most famous movies! How much do you really know about Movies? Interested in lea...
This is a great app for anyone to boost their knowledge about Rock & Roll!How much do you really know about Rock? Interested in learning more? You can...
This is a great app for anyone to boost their knowledge of the hit TV series Seinfeld! How much do you really know about Seinfeld? Interested in learn...
For true fans of Annie - test your knowledge with questions about the world of Annie, Will, Grace, Guy, and everything you loved about the story!See h...
For true fans of Eleanor & Park - test your knowledge with questions about the world of Eleanor and Park, the bus to school, Richie, Steve, Tina, and ...
For true fans of the Hunger Games - test your knowledge with 100 questions about Panem, the Hunger Games, and District 12!Need help studying for a tes...
For true fans of if i stay - test your knowledge with questions about the world of Mia, her music, her family, and her friends.Need help studying for ...
For true fans of PLL - test your knowledge with questions about the world of Aria, Emily, Hanna, Spencer, Ali, and everything you love about the story...