安卓程序分类 1. 有效的解决手机程序增多以后,因没有分类管理而导致的查找困难; 2. 本程序默认创建12个分类,可满足大部分用户的分类需求; 3. 默认的12个分类采用12宫图的方式排列,并在一屏中完整显示,查找快捷; 4. 用户可自由添加,删除或修改分类,名称和图标可根据个人喜好修改; 5. 支...
安卓程序分类 1. 有效的解决手机程序增多以后,因没有分类管理而导致的查找困难; 2. 本程序默认创建12个分类,可满足大部分用户的分类需求; 3. 默认的12个分类采用12宫图的方式排列,并在一屏中完整显示,查找快捷; 4. 用户可自由添加,删除或修改分类,名称和图标可根据个人喜好修改; 5. 支...
安卓程序分类1. 有效的解决程序安装增多以后,因没有分级菜单,而导致的程序查找困难;2. 本程序将应用分成12类,并用12宫图的方式显示,清晰直观;3. 可创建分类的桌面快捷方式(长按分类),从而使程序检索深度减少一级;4. 支持创建常用程序分类,可通过滑动操作与分类目录之间进行切换;5. 每个分类...
安卓程序分类1. 有效的解决手机程序增多以后,因没有分类管理而导致的查找困难;2. 本程序默认创建12个分类,可满足大部分用户的分类需求;3. 默认的12个分类采用12宫图的方式排列,并在一屏中完整显示,查找快捷;4. 用户可自由添加,删除或修改分类,名称和图标可根据个人喜好修改;5. 支持重置分类...
Medrills - TriageThe Basic/EMT task of triage assessment is fully illustrated using 3D graphics and interactive exercises to reinforce key learning co...
Measure your PSA potential doubling timeThis application is useful for doctors and patients alike as it quickly and accurately calculates the rate of ...
It's like having your own personal photographer.Now taking a natural-looking selfie is easier than ever before. All you need to do is point and Selfie...
PSA Manager puts the management of prostate health information back in your hands.This free App has been designed by specialist Urological Surgeons fo...
The Pediatric Symptom Checklist using the PsychTAB app - the revolutionary way to conduct Psychological and Self Response tests.The Pediatric Symptom ...
Customize your selfie with one of several gorgeous and custom built filter effects, add text, stickers and share with your friends. Featuring:- Photo ...
PSA doubling time is calculated using the natural log of 2 divided by the slope of the linear regression. Just input some dates with corresponding PSA...