

全新经营养成游戏《水族乐园》,带你体验不一样的操作快感和完美社交互动! 广阔、美丽的海洋,是各种鱼类生活的乐园。不过,环境污染正在威胁着这个水族乐园里的居民。是时候行动起来了!可爱的鱼类需要你去拯救!更有无数独特道具和稀有鱼种等你发掘! 在这里,你可以体验海岛生活,发掘稀有鱼种;在线竞赛,勇夺渔场冠...

Tropical Farm

When a hurricane ravages a tropical island, the people there issue a challenge to restore their once beautiful getaway. Beginning with a small patch o...


Everyone has their own dirty little secrets and the constant fear that they would be found by people who should not have access to them, right?What if...