

【本书全免费】第一本点击过亿的都市小说! 八年前,他是畏罪逃亡的烤肠小贩 八年后,他是经历过血与火考验的铮铮硬汉 家徒四壁,父母下岗,蜗居于棚户区之间,重头再来的刘子光唯有从最底层的保安做起,靠着一腔热血与两只铁拳,奋战在这轰轰烈烈橙红色的年代! 这是一个颠覆的时代 英雄退隐,江湖已老 一句顶天立地...


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Denver Limo

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Vitamin Guide

Is the fact that you would like to use vitamins correctly but just don't know how making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem ...