

令玩家爱不释手的四大游戏特色: 精美2D写实风格:华丽的战斗画面,酷炫的技能特效,真实的三国场景以及上千风格特异的武将形象。 个性化的武将设计:丰富的武将技能,彰显不同武将特色,专属的武将武器,让你的神兵降临更具个性。不同的技能释放时机,凸显不同的武将对战斗的多变化! 独特的战斗设计:上手简单,超强...

ILDVR MP Viewer 2

Note: this app is only compatible with cameras in the INC-MP series. For a full list of compatible cameras please visit http://www.ildvr.com/products/...

ILC 2015

ILC 2015 is the official delegates' app of the International Liver Congress™ 2015 in Vienna. It offers you a more meaningful way to experience the eve...