極東燒肉 中原店


結合日式居酒屋與炭火燒肉,以原木精心規劃出濃濃的日本風味,讓客戶一進門就彷彿來到了日本燒肉屋,卻又可以感受到台灣在地好滋味!本應用程式為一燒十味昭和園專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。 【功能】● 關於我們● 鮮食美饌● 加盟資訊● 官方網站● 分店資訊● 特色推薦● 最新消息● 優惠訊...


Touch Memory is a simple memory game with four push buttons. The game shows you an increasingly long sequence by lighting up buttons and playing tones...


Turn the light onTurn the light offJust touch to catch your lightJust touch touch touchCrazy enough to die.Have fun !Gameplay:- Switch on when the lig...