口袋宠物大收集主要是讲述立志成为神奇宝贝大师的小智,和他的搭档皮卡丘一起踏上旅途.一路上,小智邂逅了不少旅途的同伴,劲敌, 需要降服他们,但是也要小心火箭队,注意要避开他们.于是和他们展开了一次又一次的冒险.赶快来体验吧! 游戏语言(英语) v1.9版本更新了以下内容: 优化下载,降低下载失败率免費...
《口袋宠物》最是一款基于位置服务(LBS)的社交游戏,集战斗、养成、RPG为一体,丰富的游戏玩法,搞笑的故事背景,新颖的社交方式都将给你前所未见的不同体验! 游戏视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTgxNjE5MDcy.html 游戏背景: 喵星人和汪星人因为无厘...
Welcome to the Lite version of DrumsLive™.Find out the ultra-realistic sounds and the ultra-low latency of DrumsLive™! In the full version, there are ...
Funny Sound Effects is a prankster’s secret weapon and cool sound board all rolled into one. With some of the best (and best-looking) sound effects av...
Real-time meteorological data, this program uses a map showing 422 cities in China using the temperature display can also be switched to a weather dis...
(Teaching Slate Telugu Full) Teaching slate is a Fantastic alphabet application for Kindergarten. Fundamentals of Application Kids learn alphabets in ...
CubicToDo is a task management app which has been ranked no.1 in the business category on the AppStore. You can flip through your lists in a fun 3D fo...
This App helps new language learner (kids to adults) to learn Thai words in easiest way. Builds vocabulary and pronunciation of basic words in categor...
يسرّ فريق مساحة حرة أن يقدم بالتعاون مع القسم الفني لاستخراج التقويم الهجري في مركز البحوث الدراسات الفلكية برنامجه في معرفة أوائل الشهور القمرية للعا...