With the redesigned and simplified TODAY app, find more to love all day and on the go.• Busy day? Watch videos and browse stories at the same time wit...
With the redesigned and simplified TODAY app, find more to love all day and on the go.• Busy day? Watch videos and browse stories at the same time wit...
Today is kind of like a social diary where you can share that one moment that made a day special. Everyone is allowed one post every 12 hours, so don&...
What About Today?, from Roi Soft Studio, is the application that will entertain you at the same time that will teach you a little bit every day withou...
This app is designed to help students with special needs to establish routines and integrate in a mainstream classroom. As a classroom teacher I was d...
-------------------------最新のAndroid 5.0では、本アプリが正常に動作しない可能性がございます。そのため、Andoroid 5.0はサポート対象外とさせていただきます。お客様にはご不便をお掛けいたしますが、Android 5.0へのアップデートはお控えくださいますよ...
TutorChat為TutorGroup專業團隊研發,是獨一無二的員工專屬通訊平台! 免費傳訊的應用程式,讓您輕鬆與同仁溝通傳訊! 清楚建立所屬部門同仁的聯絡資料,並給予專屬權限,不論是公事溝通或是私訊對話,都能於此平台迅速完成!任何時間、任何地點,都能盡情與同仁暢聊!免費玩TutorChat AP...
「TutorGEPT Intermediate」為TutorABC專業語言顧問針對歷屆全民英檢中級考題,編撰而成的專業英文檢定APP!●行動學習 由TutorABC專業語言顧問針對GEPT考試進行中級測驗的規劃,讓您無論在任何時間、任何地點,皆能身處英語學習環境!●模擬全民英檢考試情境 收納聽力、閱...
TutorABC 是全球唯一提供「跨24時區師資、天天24小時服務、」的真人線上學習企業。下載TutorCalendar,讓您可以隨時掌握雲端學習旅程,輕鬆提升英文語言能力。在行動中,隨時隨地訂課、查看課表,預習和複習課堂教材單字,英文學習進度,讓您一手掌握!服務特色:●雲端學習立即啟動任何時間都可...
TutorConsultant is a course information assistant designed for consultants of TutorGroup. Its purpose is to allow consultants to have easy access to t...