詳細介紹:由王祚軒醫師(藝人李佩甄的先生)一手打造的尼斯診所,透過12年在醫學美容、微整形、外科及泌尿外科領域的醫病互動,王醫師更深信未 來的世界將不是一個人的世界,分工愈來愈精細、客戶(病患)的要求也愈來愈高,於是成立尼斯診所,與志同道合且具備共同目標的醫師、護理師及美容師…… 等,藉由堅強陣容的...
詳細介紹:由王祚軒醫師(藝人李佩甄的先生)一手打造的尼斯診所,透過12年在醫學美容、微整形、外科及泌尿外科領域的醫病互動,王醫師更深信未 來的世界將不是一個人的世界,分工愈來愈精細、客戶(病患)的要求也愈來愈高,於是成立尼斯診所,與志同道合且具備共同目標的醫師、護理師及美容師…… 等,藉由堅強陣容的...
全國好人好事代表鄭陳麗香董事長用心服務.臺北醫學大學整形外科林正宜院長整型專業.台大醫院整形外科葉坤林醫師整型專業新麗欣醫美診所,擁有最專業的團隊,由院長林 正宜醫師等專業操刀,提供最優質的技術、平價 、美麗不打折。服務項目自體脂肪隆乳 、 果凍矽膠隆乳、乳房拉提(治乳 房下垂)、縮乳縮乳頭、縮乳暈...
The Branford Chamber consists of over 380 businesses, from 24 towns, 4 states and represents over 5,000 employees. The Chamber provides opportunities ...
The Southern California Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives was started in the 1980’s as a vehicle to bring local Southern California chambe...
As the premier business advocate in the Lehi area, we stand as the voice of our members. Our primary objective is to ensure a positive business enviro...
In a city like Bartow, where the spirit of community thrives from the support of its residents and the business community, you’ll often find that the ...
Promoting Responsible Feeding, Creating Alliances, Removing Barriers, Safeguarding Gains, and Enhancing the Experience of the Consumer.--PROJECT WILDB...
The Chamber of Commerce is a catalyst...a common vehicle through which a segment of the business community work together for the common good of the to...