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转换所有的视频??和音乐文件,你的android设备上 转换的MP4,FLV,AVI,MKV,MP3,FLAC,WMA,OGG,AAC,M4A,AC3,猿,WAV文件。支持所有主流格式。 高度可定制输出格式:完全配置与定制尺寸的输出格式,编解码器,长宽比,帧,频率,比特率... 您的视频分割,并提取...
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The main theme of this edition is “Acute Cardiac Care: A multi-disciplinary endeavour".Acute cardiovascular care begins in the moment the patient seek...
The mobile app for ESC Congress 2013, 31 August – 4 September 2013, Amsterdam - The Netherlands. ESC Congress is currently the largest gathering of ca...
EHRA Europace 2013 is the meeting of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). EHRA EUROPACE is an established, international conference attractin...
EuroPRevent is the premiere international forum for Preventive Cardiology organised by the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Reha...
全民打棒球 2013是首款取得中华职棒正式授权的棒球手机游戏,【游戏开始时需要联网下载一些原始图片数据,请耐心等候】完整呈现中华职棒全明星球员的资料与球员卡,并适用於智慧型手机及行动装置,除了极简化的操作系统外,更有单人季赛、全垒打大赛和 1:1 对战三大游戏模式等内容等待玩家前来体验。 透过Fac...
The official app of the Miami Dolphins gives fans instant access to all of the latest news, media and in-depth game details. Get access to on-demand a...
The official app of the New England Patriots gives fans instant access to all of the latest news, media and in-depth game details. Get access to on-de...
全民打棒球 2013是首款取得中华职棒正式授权的棒球手机游戏,【游戏开始时需要联网下载一些原始图片数据,请耐心等候】完整呈现中华职棒全明星球员的资料与球员卡,并适用於智慧型手机及行动装置,除了极简化的操作系统外,更有单人季赛、全垒打大赛和 1:1 对战三大游戏模式等内容等待玩家前来体验。 透过Fac...