

※榮登Play Store旅遊類付費應用程式排行榜前10名 (2013/5/23),歡迎多加利用Google提供免費試用15分鐘的時間。當你到一個地方時,會煩惱不知道當地的特色美食在哪裡嗎?! "美食特搜"APP讓你搖身一變成為美食達人,輕鬆遍嚐各地的美食。本App蒐集了"食尚玩家"、"就要醬玩"與...

Awsm Alert

A must have app that helps you get out of difficult situations. And to get started you will need to configure your “guardians” from the contact list (...

Movies Hub

If you love movies, this app is for you! We bring the best across the spectrum when it comes to ratings of the film reviews. This is your one-stop app...

Genius Convert

Tired of figuring out and remembering how many inches is 1 foot or how much is a 98 degree Fahrenheit in Celsius? We have an app just to do that. Lets...