諾貝爾眼科小百科是您眼部保健的隨身好幫手: 讓您看見清楚與美麗,這是我們永遠的堅持與承諾!諾貝爾眼科致力於白內障及屈光近視矯正醫療的鑽研與精進,十多年來在這個領域累積不少經驗與心得,提醒我醫學是條學無止盡的道路之外,也讓我深刻體悟到,身為一名醫師,除了追求醫術的精益求精還不夠,更要關懷病人的權益與醫...
諾貝爾眼科小百科是您眼部保健的隨身好幫手: 讓您看見清楚與美麗,這是我們永遠的堅持與承諾!諾貝爾眼科致力於白內障及屈光近視矯正醫療的鑽研與精進,十多年來在這個領域累積不少經驗與心得,提醒我醫學是條學無止盡的道路之外,也讓我深刻體悟到,身為一名醫師,除了追求醫術的精益求精還不夠,更要關懷病人的權益與醫...
===== 提升看診品質的醫療服務 =====強化與民眾間的友善看診關係,改善過去久候的看診經驗。===== 關於貝爾聯合診所 =====作為一個天母社區小兒科醫生的我,原本沒有多大的志向,但是這五年一路走來卻已經離不開這充滿人文、溫馨與感性的社區。在這裡我服務過上萬的家庭,我感謝您們給我這個機會成...
The Institution aims at establishing and maintaining global standards of facilities. Students are thereby offered superlative conditions to pursue the...
"SIR ISSAC NEWTON GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS is governed by Thandapani Pillai and Sons Eductional and Charitable Trust .The trust started various instituti...
The University College of Engineering Nagercoil, Anna university of technology Tirunelveli, Nagercoil campus has been established by the Government of...
"Vickram College of Engineering (VICKRAMCE), is a premier professional college founded and managed by engineers. VICKRAMCE is an ISO 9001 certified or...
Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology has been promoted by M/s Chendamarai Ramanujam Educational Service Trust (CREST) that was founded by a leading Ind...
Mogals Educational and Charitable Trust aims to achieve appreciable growth in the field of Engineering and Technology, and to construct a Research and...
Latha Mathavan Engineering College is a prestigious college established in 2007 & is run by Karuppiah Pillai Theivanaiammal Educational Trust run by D...