

台灣六都租屋行情隨身包(實價登錄)含台灣六都:台北市,新北市,桃園縣,台中市,台南市,高雄市之內政部公告實價登錄租屋行情查詢@ 內建指北針查看方位@ 搖一搖找附近實價登錄租屋成交行情@ 可直接使用地圖查詢@ 語音輸入免打字好方便@ 政府租屋平台@ 房市新聞@ 所查得資訊可利用Gmail,Line,f...


“出行地铁(增强现实版)”查询地铁信息的好帮手。 “出行地铁”是易标科技推出的《出行百科》系列应用之一。提供优秀的用户体验,即时更新的地铁数据,给用户带来中国主要城市的全面地铁信息;成熟的增强现实功能,用最直观的形式寻找周边地铁站;填补了中国Android地铁软件无增强现实的空白,最快速、准确的带您...

Yoga 8

Practicing yoga daily is amazingly beneficial for your mind and body. Did you know that 8 minutes per day is enough to achieve a healthier life? And y...

Seven Game

A minimalistic, addictive, free puzzle game.The objective is to keep the game board as clean as possible. To make numbers disappear, simply create gro...


Caboodle is a multi-utility application. Use it to capture photos from the camera, annotate in multiple colors, record audio notes and save or e-mail ...

Dark Fury Pro

★★★★★ Free for limited time! Thanks for supporting us!★★★★★Are you tired watching good guys to win the glorious battles ever again?Have you ever wante...


IRDA-ULIP application let's the user select multiple life insurance products from the available list and compare their features. This application is a...


Welcome to Curb Source! The tool for physicians to contact trusted experts for real-time “Curbside consults”****Curb Source is a platform where Physic...