高甜预警!这里是只有情侣们才知道的世界! 恋爱时的我们拥有最美丽的心情,最甜蜜的回忆,如果只存放在脑海里的话,还远远不够!来甜蜜蜜吧!在这个不被打扰的二人世界,我们相处的一点一滴,都将被保存下来,历久弥新。珍惜相爱的当下,让我们的爱情永远甜如蜜! 应用特色: 1,多种约会状态,多方位记录相处的甜蜜,...
Location based reminder is a new age android application for setting reminders for particular location. If you want to be reminded when you reach near...
An Hour To-do is a simple & easy application which manages tasks you want to do. Application makes sure that you complete these tasks on time with rem...
ตาบอดสี : Color Blindnessแอพพลิเคชั่นสำหรับให้ข้อมูลผู้ที่ต้องการทดสอบความผิดปกติของการมองเห็นประเภท ตาบอดสี ซึ่งจะมีในส่วนของข้อมูล และ รูปภาพเพื่อใช...
Live Television Channels from GreeceYou can watch the most popular tv channels and star on Greece television. This app include sports tv, cinema chann...
Live Television Channels from Mexico You can watch the most popular tv channels and star on Mexico television. This app include sports tv, cinema chan...
Live Television Channels from Lebanon You can watch the most popular tv channels and star on Lebanon television. This app include sports tv, cinema ch...
AMF is the leading manufacturer of future-orientated clamping technology. This APP is providing an extensive overview about the products of AMF and is...
Learning Objectives: *To be able to learn how to identify key components in defining, developing and implementing a workflow system. *To be able to di...