東海大學校地廣大、歷史悠久,亦為中部著名的景點之一。期望能透過本系統,除了讓學校師生及訪客更瞭解東海校園服務資訊,認識東海之美外,亦提供部份校務資訊系統的服務,讓校園資訊的傳遞與取得更貼近學校師生。本系統提供的服務有: ● 新聞中心:最新消息、公告、校園活動、演講及講座、徵才與就業、社團活動等資訊。...
靜宜大學是一所天主教大學,秉持「進德、修業」之校訓,以「專業領航、全人陶成」為教育目標,以學生學習為主體,提供學生豐富、開闊的知識領域、學習環境與完善的行政服務系統,更注重學生品格與愛德之陶冶,培養學生成為「有社會責任感的知識份子」。 利用各類行動裝置使用行動校園服務,可不受時間及地點限制,輕鬆獲得...
Tamim Iqbal Khan, is a Bangladeshi cricketer. Tamim made his One Day International debut in 2007 and played his first Test the following year. He is l...
Bor Secure VoIP ile Bor Secure'a kayıtlı kullanıcılar ile sesli görüşme yapabilirsiniz.Dikkat: Bu uygulamayı kullanmak için Bor Secure uygulaması ...
是一款简单但令人着迷的益智游戏。连接颜色匹配的管线,建立水流通道。 在 Flow Free Draw中,请将所有颜色进行配对,使管线覆盖整个区域,即可顺利过关。 请注意,如果发生交叉或重叠,管线将会破裂!免费畅玩上百个级别,或在限时模式中与时钟赛跑。 Flow Free Draw游戏包含很多级别,...
SmartDocs is a document management platform that revolutionizes the way organizations capture, manage and share knowledge across the enterprise. Lever...
★Launcher Planet, the winner of Reddot Design Award 2014★Have fun decorating your smartphone in your own style with more than 110,000 awesome free wal...
☆☆☆ DEFINITIVE APP FOR QUICK AND FAST ANNOTATIONS ☆☆☆ ✔ No more bloated and complex applications ✔ Amazingly simple and intuitive design ✔ No services...
DroidTelemetry decodes the telemetry data sent by your ImmersionRC EzOSD or TinyTelemetry on your phone and displays the position on the map. Addition...