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良興「行動金賺」新版APP閃耀登場! 行動金賺APP是良興金賺會員的延伸服務,讓您隨身攜帶電子會員卡,還可以享受多種便利的專屬服務。 ※ 良興「行動金賺」貼心功能 ● 行動條碼:金賺「賺」回饋,出示可享會員價、紅利累積與折抵。 ● 帳戶服務:會員「賺」服務,購物金、追蹤清單,一覽無遺。 ● 訂單查詢...
優秀的應用電子計算 提供歐姆定律,電阻色碼,並聯電阻,複雜的數字計算 為專業人士,學生和電子愛好者的功能 在此應用中,你會發現: * 從3到6階電阻色碼 * RF電感的顏色代碼 * 代碼電容器 * 歐姆定律計算器 * 計算器並聯等效電阻 * 複雜的計算器 * 頻率計算器 這些計算非常友好的圖形界面,...
The first of a kind Call of Duty 4 Android Application.Now you can simply check our forums and reply to topics and keep in contact with all your frien...
The NBC 6 South Florida Weather app for Android provides up-to-the-minute weather updates for Miami, Fort Lauderdale and the entire South Florida regi...
El Mundo Events provides turnkey solutions to all your conferences, exhibitions, Birthdays, Private Parties ad all event needs. Keeping our values clo...
Daca te plictisesti: Da cu zaru boss!Daca nu ai ce face: Da cu zaru boss!Daca ai ce face dar nu vrei sa faci nimic: Da cu zaru boss!Joaca-te cu priete...
Edition after the University Library Amsterdam autograph printing copy of the Politike Weegschaal with an appendix of classical citations, sources, la...
How to play - keep your finger on the black squares and click on the yellow ones. Sounds easy ? Well try it out!I bet you cannot beat 300 score!Share ...
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Finally the time has begun to preserve Nepali Culture. The society is fully being influenced towards the western culture. Everyone loves to read prove...