※※※※※※※ 現在下載即送 10,000銅錢!讓您盡情享受解謎樂趣! ※※※※※※※你必須穿越時空將歷史導正,揭發可怕的陰謀,才能回到現代! 結合專業推理作家精心設計的豐富的劇情與謎團,暢遊清明上河圖所描繪千年之前的北宋汴京,名妓李師師與畫家張擇端等歷史人物相繼登場。你必須透過與城中的各式人物對話...
※※※※※※※ 現在下載即送 10,000銅錢!讓您盡情享受解謎樂趣! ※※※※※※※你必須穿越時空將歷史導正,揭發可怕的陰謀,才能回到現代! 結合專業推理作家精心設計的豐富的劇情與謎團,暢遊清明上河圖所描繪千年之前的北宋汴京,名妓李師師與畫家張擇端等歷史人物相繼登場。你必須透過與城中的各式人物對話...
Corrypt is an intricate and mysterious puzzle game. Explore a strange world, meet the weird creatures who live there, and solve the fiendish problems ...
Have you witnessed anything newsworthy lately? Kunan mo! The newYouScoop app for your IOS device lets you become a part of GMA Network's news gatherin...
كثيرة هي تطبيقات تحرير الصور، ولكن قليل منها صنع خصيصاً للمستخدم العربي. تطبيق محرر الصور هو اسهل تطبيق يجعلك تبدع في اخراج صور رائعة تشاركها اهلك واص...
Bienvenido a la aplicación de Colombia.travel. Colombia es un país tropical de increíble diversidad y encanto. Su variada geografía, su historia llena...
Touch and Learn is a fantastic application for anyone to learn about flags of each country. The App has pictures of all the flags grouped by Continent...
Math Slide: hundreds, tens & ones is a multiplayer game helping children understand hundreds, tens and ones; numbers up to a thousand. Players learn b...
How can you pick up a girl with a smartphone? There is an app for that. In a foreign country? Want some fun without knowing the local language & poten...
Just Noise is a white noise maker to help you relax, focus or fall asleep. It's premium relaxation noise for the sophisticated relaxer. Why Just Noise...
Do you sometimes feel ignored when you speak? It could be your vocabulary. The fact is that people pay more attention to those who command a large voc...