WiFi Band
WiFi Band is an Android app that notifies the user about the radio bandwidth (2.4GHz or 5GHz) and the SSID of the connected WiFi network.This could be...
WiFi Band is an Android app that notifies the user about the radio bandwidth (2.4GHz or 5GHz) and the SSID of the connected WiFi network.This could be...
This application can remote control a helicopter through WiFi connection. And it would show realtime image streaming from helicopter. It also can take...
If you install (and enable) this app, your smart phone will prefer to connect to 5GHz Wifi networks instead of 2,4GHz networks.Additionally a small ic...
A WiFi Survey / Wardriving Application.Gather wifi networks data as you commute. Get some neat statistics. This app is free (ad supported).Permissions...
Wifi Timer enables you to schedule a timer that will turn your wifi on or off.For example, you can schedule a timer that would "Turn Wifi On Monday th...
The FREE Karma app helps you get the most out of your Karma WiFi hotspot. Don’t have one? Buy one at yourkarma.com and stay connected on-the-go. With ...
Show notification when no AP is available. You can turn off wifi easily.Wifi on/off widget is included!If you have some trouble with this, please emai...
爱无线---wifi上网伴侣+万能钥匙。爱无线是一款全方位免费提供上网服务的工具,内置千万wifi热点数据,随时随地连接无线网络。另外,爱无线不仅提供免费运营商wifi连接上网、免费3G流量上网, 还有免费话费卡,竭尽所能保证您随时随地上网通畅无线在手上网无忧!免費玩爱无线--免费wifi上网工具 ...
爱无线---wifi上网伴侣+万能钥匙。爱无线是一款全方位免费提供上网服务的工具,内置千万wifi热点数据,随时随地连接无线网络。另外,爱无线不仅提供免费运营商wifi连接上网、免费3G流量上网, 还有免费话费卡,竭尽所能保证您随时随地上网通畅无线在手上网无忧! 【功能特点】 1.一键解锁,随时随地...
爱无线-WiFi上网工具+万能钥匙 【产品简介】 爱无线-专属万能上网工具。爱无线是一款全方位提供上网服务及管理的工具,内置千万WiFi热点数据,随时随地连接无线网络。另外,爱无线不仅提供CMCC及ChinaNet热点上网、3G/4G流量上网,同时可以进行WIFI连接管理,对WIFI进行安全检测,测...