勝博殿 APP 主要功能如下:* 最新紀事:即時掌握勝博殿最新動態。* 首選美味:提供美味菜單資訊瀏覽。* 門市情報:門市 GPS 定位服務。* 訂購便當:訂購外帶便當服務。* 會員與紅利:會員與紅利點數功能。注意事項:* 此服務為台灣地區勝博殿開發製作,相關活動僅限台灣地區。* 您所提供的資料僅使...
勝博殿 APP 主要功能如下:* 最新紀事:即時掌握勝博殿最新動態。* 首選美味:提供美味菜單資訊瀏覽。* 門市情報:門市 GPS 定位服務。* 訂購便當:訂購外帶便當服務。* 會員與紅利:會員與紅利點數功能。注意事項:* 此服務為台灣地區勝博殿開發製作,相關活動僅限台灣地區。* 您所提供的資料僅使...
為慶祝第二屆夏季青年奧林匹克運動會於南京舉行,SenMedia Limited製作了Nanjing2014 民間定製紀念應用程式。 只要將手機對準青年奧林匹克運動會的海報,就能打開青年奧林匹克運動會的目錄及查詢資訊。To celebrate the II Summer Youth Olympic G...
CareerChoice opens up the universe of education and college degrees.On any broad discipline, user can find almost all types graduation courses availab...
L'isolement social, les maux de la vie, la trahison... Nombreuses sont les situations qui nous rapprochent de la Bible. Nous sommes heureux de vous pr...
CareerGPS is an interactive, engaging career exploration program that helps students place their education within the context of a potential career an...
ABAC eBook Store is the service from Assumption Univesity (ABAC) for its students to access their privilege to read leading publications free of charg...
PEDIC-3D is a 3D gaphical periodic table application. PEDIC-3D can show the order of properties of elements with 3D graphics (Atomic mass, Atomic radi...
L'application "Au fil des pages" vous offre la possibilité de consulter toutes les infos utiles de la librairie (Produits, actus, avis…) mais aussi de...
Career Paths English: Police is a new educational resource for people who are serving or intending to serve as professionals in law enforcement, and w...
***iPad App of the week******Awarded Kirkus Star***...Kirkus Reviews***iTunes Rewind 2010 - Interactive Stories***"Once upon a time there came along a...