

[詳細介紹] 台灣老婆餅的老字號-吉發糕餅;創業十七餘年,吉發的招牌老婆餅成功的征服了台灣人的味蕾,香濃、酥脆的頂級口感,形、色、味滿分的呈現,演繹了烘焙的工藝美學,吉發的老婆餅已經成為台灣伴手禮的指標,再加上鳳梨酥和鳳凰酥這鎮店三寶,演繹出小點心的品味美學,口口香酥、一口接一口,讓人無法抵擋的幸...

Yo Momma

"Yo' momma's so fat she has to use a boomerang to put on a belt!" Yo Mama Jokes contains a collection of the funniest and wittiest Yo-Mama jokes, for ...

Long Haul

The Synergyn Long Haul Trucking app is your one stop shop for everything a trucker could need. The Long Haul app provides drivers with the information...


Got a decision to be made or a question to ask? Simply launch YesOrNo and ask a question that can be answered "Yes" or "No". Then touch the Answer but...


Village guides are a unique new series of guides designed for the iPhone and iPad. They allow both the casual visitor and the long-time resident to ha...