

Ripil is a free app that lets you connect with people on a human level, express your kindness toward the world around you, and allows you to keep trac...


觀世音菩薩是極為普遍的民間信仰 但關於觀音菩薩的本願如何?為何菩薩能循聲救苦? 佛陀在此經中都有極為詳細的闡述 並教導人們如何能得到觀世音菩薩威神力的加持,趨吉避凶 。 觀世音菩薩在久遠劫前早已成佛,如今卻以大慈悲心,倒駕慈航來此世界救度眾生的苦難, 如此緊密地守護著人們的菩薩,實屬難能可貴, 而我...

Road Roller

A fun and cute interactive app for Kids! Follow alongside a Road Roller as it drives through a neighborhood. Help the Road Roller smooth out streets a...