未来世界 Next桌面3D主题 主题简介 未来世界主题是一款由Next桌面开发团队为Next桌面3D量身定制的主题类应用。其深蓝的色调以及科技、梦幻的风格让手机桌面令你仿佛置身未来。主题包含了应用图标、壁纸、文件夹、功能表皮肤等全部桌面元素,为手机桌面提供了一整套美化方案! 亮点: - GO桌面上的...
未来世界 Next桌面3D主题 主题简介 未来世界主题是一款由Next桌面开发团队为Next桌面3D量身定制的主题类应用。其深蓝的色调以及科技、梦幻的风格让手机桌面令你仿佛置身未来。主题包含了应用图标、壁纸、文件夹、功能表皮肤等全部桌面元素,为手机桌面提供了一整套美化方案! 亮点: - GO桌面上的...
It's simple auto redial, recall, redialer.You have been trying to get through to someone, but a phone is always busy. Your problems in the past. J...
Redial the last call. Has confirmation box with the phone number to be dialed. Name will also be shown if available.Make it a shortcut on the home scr...
This is a simple but powerful widget which enables you to redial the last number with just one click. Most important thing is that you can see the cal...
REDIAL RESEND FREE is nice, lite android tool that do re-dial multiple times and can send SMS to the same number for multiple times as well. It me hel...
Redialer Lite is an Android based application. It is helpful for those who need to call attention to any operator or customer, because we know how ted...
Smart Redial is an app to redial automatically a number. * Redial immediately* Redial 5 times* Redial infiniteThe app is simple utility which can make...
GO桌面主题是安卓手机上最受欢迎的桌面主题,炫酷的图标,丰富的图样,让你的手机缤纷亮丽,备受瞩目~~~想与众不同,要个性鲜明,赶紧来用GO主题系列~ 3D效果设置:打开菜单键-桌面设置--特效设置--横向滚屏设置--球(随机亦有几率显示) 温馨提示:请确定已经安装最新版本的桌面应用,按GO主题安装提...
【软件介绍】 《未来日记》漫画,是一款免费、绿色、高清HD、无插件的漫画阅读器。最绚、最流畅的阅读体验,超群、超炫的全屏浏览,适配各类机型(手机/平板电脑均可),每天小编们都在辛苦地做大量的更新工作,纯粹为了满足各类漫画爱好者的观感需求。 国中二年级学生天野雪辉习惯远离所有人,以一个旁观者的角度把亲...