

手机上也能玩积木了,这款物理游戏非常耐玩。每个关卡都让人伤透脑筋而又让人欲罢不能,是你打发时间,休闲娱乐的必备。相信你一定会对他爱不释手。 操作方法:用手指按住屏幕不放,手指的旁边会出现一个积木,移动手指把积木放到合适的位置,当安放完所有积木,在规定的时间内积木没有掉下来,你就过关了。 三叶草QQ群...

Darts Hero

OVER 680,000 DOWNLOADS! 680,000 people ADDICTED to Darts Hero! Can't be wrong! you've got the PIECES... "Wonderful sports and shot game, almost perfec...

Darts Life

Throw the darts 5 times! Aim at well and get a high score!!The orthodox darts game arrival!You throw darts 5 times and try to get as high score as pos...