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Audio Tuner

Quickly and easily tune just about any musical instrument to perfect pitch.Audio Tuner provides * a full spectrum analysis,* a pitch pipe, * built-in ...

Hot Saga

This is an amazing app with lots of fantasy stories. Just download this app and enjoy your time!Thank you so much!免費玩Hot Saga APP玩免費免費玩Hot Saga AppHot...

8 Circles

Bring together what belongs together!Test your dexterity and concentration over 48 challenging levels. “8 Circles” is the perfect puzzle game you can ...


'Please daddy, can you make me another quiz?' Those were the words that made us know we had set it all right. A spelling app developed and tested by b...

Celebrity BMI

*** Celebrity BMI - now available as a FREE app! ***BMI (Body Mass Index) is an indicator of how healthy your weight is, given your height.Calculate y...