這是一個應用程序,顯示行駛距離。 此外,根據移動距離的熱量消耗也被顯示。 你可以每天上下班,上學,或步行,要知道,你是在移動多少。 此外,由於熱量也看到了一起,幫助醫療保健。 有沒有複雜的操作。 這一切都開始移動,按下啟動按鈕,“移動距離”,“卡路里”是實時顯示。 這是一個應用廣泛的人,那些誰想要測...
這是一個應用程序,顯示行駛距離。 此外,根據移動距離的熱量消耗也被顯示。 你可以每天上下班,上學,或步行,要知道,你是在移動多少。 此外,由於熱量也看到了一起,幫助醫療保健。 有沒有複雜的操作。 這一切都開始移動,按下啟動按鈕,“移動距離”,“卡路里”是實時顯示。 這是一個應用廣泛的人,那些誰想要測...
跟你玩软件是专门为情侣、好友、老人和小孩开发的一款关注定位软件。基于对方同意,并保护隐私的原则下,实现双方的实时位置定位和查看。 主要功能: 1、基于双方同意的前提,在地图上直观地呈现双方的位置、距离以及地点信息; 2、当双方或者一方在移动时,可以动态地在地图上直观地反映出来; 3、室外GPS打开的...
Guitar Chords (Pocket Guide) - All chords you need always in your hands just in one click! Guitar Chords PG is a very simple chords library app for Ph...
All the fresh guitar chords, guitar tabs and music lyrics from your favourite artists around the world. Login every day to check for updates免費玩Guitar ...
Guitar CXIO allows singer songwriters to write their own songs (songtext with chords) as well as guitar players to play their favourite song. This fre...
This Guitar Trainer app was designed to give the advancing guitarist a daily practice routine that would:1. Enhance technique (picking, bending, pull ...
Guitar Score Visualizer parse the text and show the chord image which matched inside text.You put score text data manually and this app list these dat...
Use this ads free app to learn guitar up to 14 guitar chords. We will be adding more chords for this app. Use this as a pocket chord book when you for...
PockeTab is a graphical guitar tab creator with a focus on ease of use and an intuitive, good looking interface. When it's finished you should be ...
Simply the best assistant for understanding, exploring, and composing on guitar. Place dots on the neck to instantly identify the notes, interpret the...