记账本 MoneyBook是一个个人开发的超简洁记账本,任何多余的功能都没有,只记载你的收入与支出。关键是它仅仅20余kb的大小,甚至不需要任何权限,带给你前所未有的清爽体验。暂时只支持800*480及以上屏幕。0.40更新:改进:自动弹出键盘,更快捷记录收支;改进:细微调整布局方式,更易点击按键;...
记账本 MoneyBook是一个个人开发的超简洁记账本,任何多余的功能都没有,只记载你的收入与支出。关键是它仅仅20余kb的大小,甚至不需要任何权限,带给你前所未有的清爽体验。暂时只支持800*480及以上屏幕。0.40更新:改进:自动弹出键盘,更快捷记录收支;改进:细微调整布局方式,更易点击按键;...
Thanks you very much for downloading and installing Happy Womens Day LWPs.It's a free HD live wallpaper which you'll enjoy using during valent...
Découvrez chaque jour votre horoscope cancer, 100% gratuit sur votre téléphone! Un des horoscopes les plus populaires enfin disponible sur votre télép...
Thanks you very much for downloading and installing Earth Live Wallpaper .It's a free HD live wallpaper which you'll enjoy using during valent...
Please note that youmag's content is only available in French for the time being. A magnificent and very intuitive user interface! ★★★★★ (Antoine G.) ...
Bulba The Cat(氣球貓)是一個3D畫面可愛又絢麗的平台遊戲,你一定會上癮的。 在一個陽光明媚的日子裡,氣球貓Bulba和章魚Pulpa正在野餐。突然,一只可惡的烏鴉不知道從什麼地方飛過來,搶走了它們的食物,章魚MM氣得大哭了起來。氣球貓為了心愛的MM,不顧一切的踏上了追趕烏鴉的旅程。 氣...
The easy way to learn reading sheet music! Play the notes on a virtual piano and improve your reading skills.Features:- two or four simultaneously dis...
Thanks you very much for downloading and installing Birds Live Wallpaper.It's a free HD live wallpaper which you'll enjoy using on your wall!Y...
Balloon Pop for kids (free) is child game belongs to the category games for children up to 3 years. Entertaining Game for Baby or toddler- Balloon pop...
Thanks you very much for downloading and installing Glitter Live Wallpaper.It's a free HD live wallpaper which you'll enjoy using during valen...