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坠爱 Fallin Love

《坠爱 Fallin Love》是一款由 Bulkypix 发行的益智闯关游戏,主角是一个绿色的方块人 Fall,玩家要做的就是帮助其闯过70个关卡,同时收集其中的伪装道具来让自己的形象符合心上人 Kaisa 的需求。游戏支持触屏点击和重力感应的操控方式,另外还有一个生存模式等着你的挑战。免費玩坠爱...

Kalika FM

The official App of Kalika FM, Nepal. This is Nepal's first ever dedicated FM App.Features:- Live streaming of Kalika FM 95.2 and 91 MHz- View program...

MyCar Free

Turn your real car or automobile into a 3D model on your iPhone! With MyCar! you can easily create a 3D car model of your own real car, automobile, to...