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淘粉吧淘宝省钱专家,淘宝第一返利网。和曼秀雷敦强强联合推出手机客户端,让买家畅快购物的同时也能拿到高的返利。 【优化功能】 1. 添加淘粉吧浏览宝贝查询。 2. 全新的聚划算改版页面。 3. 添加购物车功能。 4. 针对大屏幕适配调整。 5. 商品详情的全新改版,全新的视觉和交互体验。 【功能亮点】...
Men's App is a medical application to take care of men’s health. It has been created by expert urologists to help you understand several condition...
This application is a RSS reader specializing in magazines for men, already selected (and Facebook pages). In English.Enjoys reading the best articles...
'在 Android 手機上與親朋好友一起玩第一名的經典紙牌遊戲!全世界最著名的紙牌遊戲,在行動電話上忠實重現,並且提供了令人驚奇的新功能。精彩重現 UNO™ 所有的瘋狂樂趣:在您最喜愛的紙牌遊戲中尋找相符的花色與數字,或在巡迴賽模式中挑戰難度越來越高的遊戲。在令人興奮的遊戲中與好友一起打牌...
UNO - "Șeptică Americană" is an American card game which can be played from a young age. Is a board game, easy to play with very simple rules, develop...
Anyone can do art! painting without brushes and paint but with light and shapes only: One canvas, eight shapes infinite numbers of possible composit...
Turn your extra stuff into cash! eBay Valet is a new and simple way to sell your stuff on eBay. Find your items' worth, send them in and valets take c...
WonderNote is a wonderful diary book which can help you to record your life with text, photo gallery and voice, from now on, your life will become rem...
Own your time!A new and easy way to keep track of how you spend your time, with billing support and import/export functionality (In-App Purchase for f...