

还在为需要一个小物品时将家里翻箱倒柜烦恼么?“桃桃的收纳盒”,在您整理物品的同时收录该物品放置的盒子和地方,在您需要的时候,只需啪啪啪点几下,即可从繁杂的物品中找到您想要的物品,再直接从盒子里去取该物品,oh yeah~,再小的物品也能轻松找到,妈妈再也不用担心我翻箱倒柜了! 应用特色: 1. 储存...

Bix Lite

Bix Lite has already been #2 Free App in France, #3 in Germany, #4 in UK and reached US Top 50! Get it now if you didn't try it already! *************...


Take control of the playfield !Bix is an addictive game in which you control a tracer, that traces lines. When you close a shape you take control of i...