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When an evil ruler greedily taxes his people to near starvation, there’s always one who rises against all odds to fight for what’s right ... but fight...
When an evil ruler greedily taxes his people to near starvation, there’s always one who rises against all odds to fight for what’s right ... but fight...
The best kick-up game with multiple balls on iPhone! *** NOW FREE ***Tap to kick-up the ball and try to keep it in the air.If you kick the first ball ...
Orbtrix is a puzzle and physics game for iPhone with high resolution Retina Display graphics.Your mission is to control the force field to destroy the...
O famoso Jogo da Memória com figuras fofas de nuvenzinhas foi atualizado com ranking do Game Center.Agora você pode competir com os amigos em três nív...
WedStyle is a new app for wedding inspiration designed to provide you with the latest wedding trends, and also provide instant feedback on all of your...
* 期間限定 7/31まで、¥600円→¥350円で販売中! *既に配信中の美少女恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム「ユークリッド・スペース」がフルボイスになって再登場!攻略キャラ全員に豪華声優陣によるボイスがついて、物語の臨場感がグンとUP!あなたは各惑星系から集められた精鋭パイロットの一人「サクラギ・ユウ...
Fun, exciting and entertaining! Welcome to Halloween Mega Slots! Who doesn't like Halloween!?!Exciting to play and easy to understand!Good Looking gra...