《晚安月亮 Goodnight Moon》是一款由同名故事改编的儿童游戏.《晚安月亮》看起来是一本简单得不能再简单的睡前故事书.这本以孩子的视角写的童书自1947年发行至今,仍然在国际出版界长踞畅销书排行榜中.不同的译文版本发行已超过1000万本.甚至被纽约公共图书馆选入本世纪具有影响力的经典书籍之...
《晚安月亮 Goodnight Moon》是一款由同名故事改编的儿童游戏.《晚安月亮》看起来是一本简单得不能再简单的睡前故事书.这本以孩子的视角写的童书自1947年发行至今,仍然在国际出版界长踞畅销书排行榜中.不同的译文版本发行已超过1000万本.甚至被纽约公共图书馆选入本世纪具有影响力的经典书籍之...
晚安前的故事就是专门在小孩睡觉之前给小孩讲的故事,一般适合2~6岁的小孩。 睡前故事在中国已经很悠久了,但是随着社会水平的提高,人类的不断进步,现代的人们都希望能养育一个智能超群的宝宝,因此睡前故事在这几年也越来越受到众多家长的青睐。 睡前故事一般都是以童话为主题,故事的情节一[更多内容] 般不会有...
Help little ones get to sleep by reading to them. A great resource for parents, babysitters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or anyone who cares for a ch...
Bed Time Story ♥ A Collection of Tales before bed. Short bedtime stories for kids and adults to read at night Just before you go to sleep. - Aesop's ...
The App Contain some of the finest bed time stories for the Kids.HERE YOU WILL FIND A WIDE SELECTION OF STORIES FOR ALL AGES. SOME BY FAMOUS AUTHORS A...
There may be a zillion ways a kid can get entertained - but a day is never over without a super natural bedtime story . Just go back to your childhood...
A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare the child for sleep.Bedtime stories have...
Bed Time Stories Collection1. Ungratefulness Kids Story2. The Crooked Fox Kids Story3. The Fox and the Goat Kids Story4. The Mediator Kids Story5. The...
Use this app for kids to read at bed time to help them fall asleep with good thoughts and have good dreams.This App "Bedtime Stories" Contains famous ...