明星志願 2 密技攻略 黎華

明星志愿:一线巨星 Stardom:The A-list

本游戏包含数据包,下载地址、安装方式详见文末!修改内容: 游戏修改了金币、钞票为无限,能量不减。你能誉满天下成为超级明星么?也许在你奔向成功、变身明星的道路上会发生不少预期之外的事情,闲谈、谎言、争斗和相当份量的努力!跻身银幕展现过人才华、参与节目赢得千万粉丝!从初来乍到怀揣理想准备开创一番事业的无...


明星志愿 Stardom是一款有点类似PC的同名游戏,游戏中可以自定义人物的相貌以及装扮。游戏中任务的等级是按照ABCD划分的我们的目标就是成为A级巨星。 游戏中玩家需要与艺人签约,签约之后,主角必须视艺人情况安排训练、打工、演出……等等行程。越快将艺人培养成一流红星,就能越快为公司谋取利润,得到国...


一款有点类似PC的同名游戏,游戏中可以自定义人物的相貌以及装扮。游戏中任务的等级是按照ABCD划分的我们的目标就是成为A级巨星。 游戏中玩家需要与艺人签约,签约之后,主角必须视艺人情况安排训练、打工、演出……等等行程。越快将艺人培养成一流红星,就能越快为公司谋取利润,得到国际级的评价。 注意:数据包...

Pou Cheat

內容介紹 : How is your Pou growing? Need help to grow Pou well? Pou Cheat app contains the necessary aids to help your Pou to grow well! Have fun with ou...

iFruit Cheats

內容介紹 : Do you want the latest iFruit cheats? All car cheats Money cheats Then this app is the one! Disclaimer:This app is fan-made. All rights belong...

Cheating Spouse

You have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, something is not right but you can't quite figure out what that feeling is about. Your spou...

2048 cheats

Win 2048 game with Game cheats, getting stuck with your 2048 game? Is it hard to find the cheats you need while you play 2048? Well we can help. Downl...

Cheats GTA

This GTA Cheats app helps you to boost your GTA gameplay.All the cheat codes directly at your fingertips for consoles PS2. PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox O...

Call Cheat

This app provides an incoming call like interface which can be scheduled. When you set the timer, you will have a screen which will be similar to an i...