

最幸福的事是靠着你的肩,在一起直到老O(∩_∩)O~使用方法:1. 下载主题安装包,如无安装91桌面客户端,请先安装91桌面。2. 点击主题直接启用即可3. 如锁屏未能显示,请通过menu菜单内的桌面设置-个性化设置下载安卓锁屏或智能锁即可同步显示本主题由91桌面团队诚意研发设计,推荐下载。酷炫智能...

YouTuBe Faster

- YouTuBe Faster is a YouTube version update was built on the latest platform, in this release, we support the following functions: - Search channel s...


SmartVAT is a small app, designed to display at the same time the total amount (Gross) or the Net amount , of a given value. You just type in the amou...


Enjoy with the original toy of Saimon Say. in a realistic adaptation in your WP8. The game contains very game modes, highscores and hours of diversion...